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Reasons why you can be denied Social Security disability for bad knees, plantar fasciitis or any other reason

There are many reasons why one can be denied Social Security disability benefits as well as not receiving the most benefits.  Using an attorney familiar with disability cases can be a great benefit in avoiding a denial. He can also help you to receive the greatest amount of benefits. 

The following are some of the main reasons for denial.

1. Failing to see your doctor on a regular basis. Social Security wishes to know your current medical status while receiving treatment. 

2. Notes from your doctor should give the reasons why you are not able to work. It is not enough that he simply reports you are disabled. 

3. Failure to list mental reasons for your disability even though your main problem is physical, such as you are very depressed or anxious. 

4.  Failure to set the so-called onset date of your disability.  Make sure that your medical problem began at the earliest onset date. Months of payment could be lost. 

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5. Failure to appeal your denial from Social Security. 

6. Failure to supply all your medical records. It is very important that ALL medical records from ALL  treating sources be included in your application.

7. Filling out application forms yourself  before having an attorney assisting you. 

8. Failure to meet deadlines for appealing your case. Again, your attorney would be a great help in this matter. 

9. Believing you cannot afford an attorney. Remember, fees are only paid if you win your case. 

10. Not being aware that you can receive benefits from other sources such as the VA.