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Mistakes which can spoil your Social Security Disability claim

There are several situations which can reduce your chances for getting Social Security disability benefits when appealing your case. 

1. Failure to file an appeal within 60 days.

2. Attempting to represent yourself. The disability process is very difficult to understand for most individuals. A lawyer with special knowledge of how the system works is absolutely needed. 

3. Having a history of alcohol or drug abuse. 

4. Making inconsistent statements about your illness. Tell the truth and do not dramatize your problem, argue or play on the judge’s sympathy.  

5. Failure to see your doctor on a regular basis. Social Security wishes to know the status of your current condition and not how you were functioning several months ago. 

6. Failure to obtain all your medical records from your treating doctors. These records are critical and are probably the most important factor which will determine your success in getting benefits.