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Can I Get Social Security Disability For Small Cell Lung Cancer?

Small cell lung cancer, also called oat cell cancer,  is one of those conditions which will allow disability benefits. It comes under the heading of Compassionate Allowances. 

It is considered  a very aggresive form of cancer and spreads more quickly than other forms of cancer of the lung. It has a very poor prognosis. It is not very common and is seen in about 15% of lung cancer cases. In most cases there is a history of smoking.  Treatment usually consists of radiation and chemotherapy since in most cases it has usually spread to other organs. 

Individuals with this diagnosis should apply for benefits as soon as possible since the condition makes it almost impossible to work. However, one should not assume you will automatically be allowed benefits since proper procedures must still be followed according to social security rules.  The claimant must submit all medical evidence from their treating physicians so that disability specialisits can review the individuals diagnosis and treatment. A biopsy of the cancer must be in the medical record to prove the diagnosis. 

Asking for assistance from lawyers who deal mainly with disability cases is advisable due to complex Social Security disability rules.