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There are many types of hernias. A very common type is an inguinal hernia which occurs when tissue pushes through a weak area in the groin muscle. This results in a bulge in the groin or scrotum which may be associated with pain.

Hernias occur more commonly in men.  The hernia may be more noticeable with coughing, straining or lifting. Often it can be pushed back. 

Other types of hernias include an incisional hernia present in a scar from previous surgery,  a hiatal hernia and an umbilical hernia located in the umbilicus(belly button). A hiatal type hernia results when the stomach bulges up into the chest through an opening in the diaphragm. This may cause symptoms of a heartburn, but usually does not causing any other serious effects. If the hernia is very large, surgery can usually correct the problem. Also, an incisional hernia usually does not cause significant problems. An umbilical hernia can be surgically corrected. 

If one claims disability due an inguinal hernia, then an allowance depends on whether surgery has been done or not.

If there has been no surgery to correct the problem, then the disability division of social security will decide how much lifting restrictions are reasonable. This is then tied in with the person’s age and past working history.  Walking and reaching limitations do not play a role. If surgery has been successful, then one would probably be denied benefits.  The same is true for an umbilical hernia; that is , if surgery has been successful, there would probably be no limitations and one would be denied. Without surgery, there would probably be lifting limitations as with a inguinal hernia. 

A simple answer as to whether an individual would be allowed or denied benefits is not easy.  Social Security has certain rules which are rather complicated. As mentioned above, age, level of education and past jobs all play a role in determining whether one would be granted or denied benefits. In general, an older individual over 55 years of age is more likely to be granted benefits than a younger person. A lawyer whose practice is mainly devoted to disability cases would be very helpful in improving your chances in obtaining benefits.