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Basic Rules For Social Security When Considering You Disabled

There are certain basic rules that Social Security considers you  to be disabled whether you have a physical or mental problem.  

1. Your disability must last or be expected to last for at least one year or to result in death. 

2. You are unable to perform work that you did before.

3. You are unable to adjust to other work due to your medical condition. 

Other factors include your age and past occupations. 

Social security lists many medical conditions called  a listing of impairments.  They fall under the following headings:

1. Musculoskeletal which include fractures, back, knee, arm, hand and leg problems. 

2. Special senses such as vision, hearing, and balance problems.

3. Lung problems: asthma, obstructive lung disease, tumors.

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4. Heart disease: coronary heart disease, irregular heart beats, heart failure, hypertension.  

5. Digestive system: cancer, intestinal bleeding, liver disease such as cirrhosis and chronic hepatitis. ulcerative colitis, regional enteritis. severe weight loss despite prescribed treatment. 

6. Urinary problems such as kidney failure and need for dialysis. Prostate cancer falls under a separate category under cancer. 

7.,  Blood disorders including anemias, leukemia, 

8. Skin disorders: malignant tumors such as malignant melanoma, chronic infections of the skin, certain dermatitis conditions and burns. 

9. Neurological disorders such as migraines, epilepsy, brain tumors,  multiple sclerosis, traumatic brain injury, ALS( amyotrophic lateral Sclerosis), stroke, peripheral neuropathy, spinal cord tumors or injuries, and Parkinson’s disease.

10. Cancer: Involving many areas of the body. 

11. Diabetes and all the possible complications that can occur such as diabetic neuropathy causing pain and numbness in the feet resulting in difficulty with balance and walking, plus possible infections. 

Needless to say, despite one having these various conditions, it can be very difficult to obtain disability benefits. One should definitely have a lawyer specializing in disability cases assist you to improve your chances.